//Forever Imperfect
Apa kena ngan aku hari tok??
Thursday, June 9, 2011 @ 11:43 PM | 0 Comment [s]

Urmm..do know how to describe my feeling today...me myself oso dono what happen to me?? hurrmm...(mayb terlalu penat n my kepala pun a bit pening today)...

things happen today:

* Rasa cepat marah laa...(no idea why)<---- tiada kaitan antara hidup dan mati.. hehehe...
* Not in a gud mood(not like usual)<----i sendiri hairan...( bila ddk diam2..mula la pikir kenak aku empun mood kureng hari tok...
*lots of things to do after mum and dad arrive in miri from marudi...have to angkat kotak2 and susun semua kotak2 tu..huuuhhh! tired....
*cooking alone...without help from my 2 sisters<---- they enjoy themself...(nsib baik mummy help  me)

About Us:

Suddenly i miss the day we start to know each other..hurrmmm....(masa xblh diulang semula) HAHAHA...stupid me...urmm...have to face lots of differences after 5 month in relationship(seriously..relationship tok bnyk mngajar aku erti kasih sayang n most important... BERSABAR)...dosen't mean anything ok... Tanpa SABAR,relationship xkan lama...

suddenly teringat kat kata2 daddy semalam..."Majuk la tu"..seriously mummy xmudah merajuk...but kadang2 tu merajuk la..(merajuk bertempat baa) hehe..entahla..sama ada daddy percaya atau x??its up to u dear..Mcm mummy cakap smlm,mummy xsampai hati nak merajuk atau nak marah daddy...entahla..mummy pun xtau knpa...

till here..out of idea...

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